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Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 07:47
by Mr Oz
Palin is not running for 2012 presidency and is endorsing Ron Paul. Making Ron Paul the clear cut front running for the president in 2012 (obama is already toast). Not even the MSM can derail it (I notice how quite they have gone in the 5 days since announcement). The only other contender is Mike Huckabee who is busy doing the same old same old big business, special interests.

The 2nd American Revolution is coming. The question now is will it be peaceful or slow and bloody? Unfortunately I think it will be the later. (Ron Paul might be the trigger)

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 08:57
by sundaymorningstaple
You might want to reread the page a little more carefully. Especially the Press Release. The Site is NOT by Sarah Palin or any of her committee. It's by a guy named Ron Holland who is political & financial writer and is also as conservative/libertarian and created the site himself.
“Note this website is an independent effort to change the direction of the GOP from the "business as usual" Republican establishment to the Tea Party movement representing the alternative social conservative views of Sarah Palin and the pro-liberty positions of Ron Paul. We believe the aggressive foreign policy actions of the Neocons threaten the future of the US economy and our remaining freedoms in the USA. We are in no way affiliated with either candidate at the present time.”
Talk about going off half-cocked! :shock:


Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 09:04
by Lili Von Shtupp
Thank you SMS, I was just about to post the same thing.

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 09:41
by Possum
Ron Paul....wasn't that a famous porn stars name??

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 09:44
by sundaymorningstaple
You are thinking of Ron Jeremy. :oops:

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 09:51
by Mr Oz
Woohooo made a fool of myself again... [smilie=lol.gif]

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 13:45
by Addadude
You mean Ron Jeremy's running for president? That should make things interesting...

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 15:51
by Joseph27
Obama was never going to live up to the hype - and its business as usual in most senses. The GOP keeps complaining about the budget and are happily killing off schools and facilities for poor people that save fuck all real money yet fight to keep defence expenditure at over $600billion which doesnt include the cost of wars or the nuclear fleet. They fight to keep the US engaged in perpetual war at the expense of their neighbors but are all jesus like in their rhetoric...

Palin is unelectable - she is too stupid, the others however are really too bland. Sorry but its going to be Obama in 2012 with just a lot of noise from the right. Kind of reminds me of 96 with Dole - they just didnt have a great candidate and despite Clinton's faultering the early stages - he stepped all over Dole. I see Obama doing the same unless a miracle candidate comes forth and that doesnt include the current batch of borderline mongs, a mormans, or Ron Paul.

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 17:21
by T2K
If Palin did endorse Paul, it would be the single smartest thing she ever did. Unfortunately, Dr Paul isn't going to run again due to his age, I think.

J27 - While this sentence is a nice package, it's not correct.

"The GOP keeps complaining about the budget and are happily killing off schools and facilities for poor people that save **** all real money yet fight to keep defence expenditure at over $600billion which doesnt include the cost of wars or the nuclear fleet. They fight to keep the US engaged in perpetual war at the expense of their neighbors but are all jesus like in their rhetoric..."

Where should I start? The GOP can't do things alone, it's been a democratic majority in the US congress for 2 years. The US spends more money per student that most (any?) other countries - throwing money at the problem isn't fixing it. What facilities for poor people are being killed - you mean like community swimming pools? Or welfare (good!)? The defense budget doesn't include the navy? The President can command all the troops home if he wants to, he's the Commanded in Chief. I agree that most Republicans at least talk the talk of Jesus nuts.

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 18:21
by Tas
I thought Ron Paul was a mocca coloured transvestite?

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 18:28
by baloo
Tas wrote:I thought Ron Paul was a mocca coloured transvestite?

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 18:55
by Tas
yeah yeah that's the one, what's their name then?

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 18:59
by baloo

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 19:04
by Tas
ahhh thankyou. that was bugging me, but I didn't fancy googling to work out the name :D.

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 19:45
by Kooky
Lipsynch. For your life. And don't. **** it up.

(Who says I watch too much car crash TV?)

(Although even I draw the line at The Only Way is Essex. Lasted about 3 seconds of that.)

Re: Palin abandons 2012 President supports Paul

Posted: 10th Feb, '11, 23:18
by skank-la
As much as the right likes to pretend otherwise, fact is, Republicans don't give a damn about the deficit. They grow them, while Democratic administrations shrink them. That's the objective and provable reality, no matter what anyone else might think.

This piece if pretty good if you care to read it:

Basically we're seeing two factions in the GOP these days, the ORCs and the YATs.

The first are the Opportunist Republican Cynics (ORCs), and they are still the dominant faction. They are led by John Boehner, and they are basically the same people who drove America's economy into the ground under George W. Bush. They've regained power thanks to tea partiers, Fox News, and a willingness to parrot the doomsdayer teahadist rhetoric about spending and debt, but they also understand that actually following through on what they promised would be a political disaster of epic proportion. The problem for ORCs is that they don't have anything else to offer because they last time they were allowed to drive policy decisions for the GOP, they ended up thoroughly discrediting the party.

The other faction are the Yelling Angry Teahadists (YATs). They don't control the GOP leadership, but there's enough of them that the GOP needs them to maintain its majority. The YATs believe everything they said during the campaign about how Obama is the second coming of Karl Marx and how spending is destroying America. They really believe the only way to save America is to eliminate the deficit and they believe the deficit can be balanced by immediately cutting spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. And they believe the rest of America agrees with them. YATs are the only Republicans with any real enthusiasm, but that's mostly because their ideas haven't yet been discredited by the test of reality.

And what we've got now is the ORCs trying to convince the YATs that you can do things like pro-rate spending cuts, and that shaving 2% off the budget deficit is a really big deal. But everybody knows the ORCs are so incompetent that they couldn't sharpen a pencil if their lives depended on it, and the YATs just aren't buying it. They're demanding more, and the ORCs are furiously trying to figure out a way to satisfy the YATs while coming up with a budget that won't result in a government shutdown. But I suspect what the ORCs are ultimately going to find out is that the YATs will never bail them out. They're going to need to deal with Democrats and dump the YATs if they ever want to get anything done besides destroying their party.