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2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 17th Sep, '13, 07:09
by skank-la
In this world of Wi-Fi enabled smart TV's , Tablets, streaming, etc what we do with the 500 or so DVD's we have ( we probably brought 350 from Singapore all of great films)

We have them in folders etc but they're just taking up space -we haven't fired up a video player in a year I bet
anything we want we can pretty much stream immediately to our TVS, I-PADS, etc ......

What would you do w/the DVDs? Just Chuck em or ??????

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 17th Sep, '13, 07:18
by Fat Bob
I had the same question about CDs in the digital age. I went through ~200 CDs, took them out of their boxes and inserted them in CD carrying case. Reason to do it is that I use CDs as a permanent back-up copy of my digital music. I also know that not all of my CDs are ripped at the best bit rate, and therefore plan at some point to change that around.

I would never throw my DVDs and Blurays away. I would reduce storage space by doing the above. I'm slowly getting around to ripping them to hard drive, but the process is a lot more complicated than for CDs.

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 17th Sep, '13, 07:42
by Lili Von Shtupp
Over 10 years ago I put all my music CDs into cases to reduce space, but I ended up losing a bunch of them because over time the soft plastic used for the CD sleeves stuck to the discs and peeled off the label side when I tired to remove them recently.

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 17th Sep, '13, 15:02
by Tas
Agree with others so far, CDs all now in a soft folder zip case. And think time to do with DVD sets too. Horrible seeing the plastic cases going into bin knowing ends up landfill. But does save enormous space, and far easier for moving. The cost of bytes storage space and wireless text I don't think is insignificant when I look at what paying for the wireless privilege, at least in Australia. So not paying twice. (And when everything goes to the shitter, at least my DVD worked with minimal set up and no reliance on antennas. Very handy in evenings as discovered in a recent move)

(Noting too my case is over 10years old, not had issues with materials so far, other than zip because squished too many in)

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 17th Sep, '13, 16:16
by slinky
We have CDs stored in boxes in the basement currently. We still watch some of the DVDs sometimes, so they are still in the cabinet in the living room, but we haven't bought any more DVDs since we started downloading movies & TV shows a few years ago. I'm really not sure I want to go through ripping all the DVDs as ripping all the CDs was quite time consuming & DVDs must take a lot longer to do than CDs.

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 19th Sep, '13, 22:18
by Sardonicus
A couple of years ago I found a good but pricey solution at Challenger. They were hard plastic sleeves, like card stock, and you could put a CD or DVD and the liner notes. I think it was a Singapore manufacturer.

The good part is that you could store discs in a fraction of the space, about 4- or 5- to 1.

There were two problems with this, one was that they only had DVD heights, so a lot of space was wasted for CDs, and, they were just too expensive for someone like myself with a large CD collection.

I tried to contact the manufacturer for a bulk order and to request a smaller size, but couldn't find contact details.

I will not part with my CDs but would really like to loose the crystals, Lil's experience is a bit worrying.

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 20th Sep, '13, 01:53
by chocolate
Do you think putting some of those dehydrating packets into the folio with the CD's would help prevent the plastic sticking - that is quite worry as I haven't copied all of my music to the cloud or anywhere - mostly because I'm lazy and also because I don't have a CD drive in my MAC...Neither of which are good excuses :)

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 20th Sep, '13, 07:19
by Tas
Choc, moisture clearly a problem, particularly in Singapore, where nearly every significant leather item or wool went to mold. Might not be such a problem where you're living. I use a brand called Hippo or similar which are those absorbent containers in all my major storage and replace regularly. But like I mentioned, my own experience with the zip folder not been same, will depend bit on quality of plastic too.
(Bit like with photo albums and various covers - some survive years, then some others go to shit and stick to all your photos!)

Re: 2013 & Beyond -Questions Abound

Posted: 20th Sep, '13, 15:16
by Morrolan
still buying blurays, not impressed with quality of most downloads. happy to help relieve anyone of their old blurays...