The Singapore Forum Recommends

Links, Businesses, Resources and other items listed on this page make it here by virute of being tried, tested and tried again by various members of the The Singapore Forum. While it's quite hard to make this list, being removed from it can be quite quick if we feel the quality no longer warrants our recommendation.

The there are some other recommendations for businesses or items which are owned by, or created by, some of our members. Despite the nepotistic link, you can be assured that a healthy number of other members of the Singapore Forum use these services and items.


PetBuddies, Singapore's premier pet-sitter - caring for your animal companions in the comfort of your own home

DK Eyewitness Top 10 Singapore

DK Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guide: Your perfect pocket-sized companion while in Singapore

KEN Links

Useful Links for Singapore contributed by Expats for Expats. If it's not here it doesn't exist.

Rain Locations

Rain Locations in Singapore. A very handy site to check on Singapores ever changing tropical weather.