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Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:35
by slinky
It seems I have developed a sinus infection :( Didn't sleep much last night - my whole face & head hurt - was hard to be lying down. Decongestants help during the day - along with large doses of panadol, but I don't like taking decongestants at night because they often keep me awake. Any home remedies that will work or do I need to see the doctor?

Edit: spelling

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:37
by Kooky
Tiger Balm -on your nose, on your pillow. Turn off your aircon if you can bear to.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:38
by baloo
You're not allergic to cats are you ?

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:39
by slinky
Is the tiger balm to help breathing? Oddly enough, my nose itself is clear & I can breathe (for now, anyway). Not sure I can bear the no aircon thing :( No way to get any cross breeze -- or any breeze at all -- in my room if I open windows....

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:40
by Morrolan
it sounds like sinusitis (sp?) and that is not something you wait around with. see a doc.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:40
by slinky
baloo wrote:You're not allergic to cats are you ?
Funny, I thought of that briefly, but it isn't really any better if I go somewhere outside the house. I never have been allergic -- does that 'just happen' to some people?

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:42
by slinky
Morrolan wrote:it sounds like sinusitis (sp?) and that is not something you wait around with. see a doc.
It probably is, M. I've had it once before and it did get bad. Guess I should make a call given that it's already Friday & I don't fancy the A&E this weekend.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 08:44
by Kooky
I don't think Singapore is a good place for sinuses. Mine cleared up since moving away. Combination of aircon and pollution, I think. (Don't let anybody tell you Singapore is not polluted; it's all relative.)

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 09:14
by Spike
I had serious sinusitis last year and there was a board thread at the time suggesting various treatments. Eventually I went to an ENT specialist at Raffles Hospital who told me I had a deviated septum and needed surgery to open it up, to help with the sinusitis I regularly suffer from. I went for a second opinion and the ENT guy at Mount E. suggested an antibiotic to help clear the infection then regular use of a nasal spray called Flixonase. Flixonase desensitizes the mucous membranes in the nose and you can use it as much or as little as you like with no side effects. Dr. Chew at Mount E. is the man to see.

The other recommendation was to sleep without aircon. I now sleep with just a sheet over me and the ceiling fan on. Since I started doing that I've never woken up with a runny or stuffy nose.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 09:59
by Morrolan
never used aircon at night in Sing... can't stand the dried out feeling it gives you.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 10:39
by slinky
OK, back from the doc with a bag of stuff. Salt water spray to help break it all up so I can blow it out, Afrin (which I don't like very much, so won't use unless I really cannot breathe -- not a problem yet), pills called Danzen for swelling & something about mucus and ibuprofen for pain. She also told me to boil water and breathe in the steam, so I'll try that one out later.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 10:50
by azzam
And yes, turn the aircon off - really.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 11:00
by Satellite
slinky wrote:[. I never have been allergic -- does that 'just happen' to some people?

Yes it does sometimes just happen! :(

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 12:25
by canuck
neti pot

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 13:32
by Pinklepurr
Hope you are feeling better soon Slinky, have to agree with the rest, turn off the aircon, go buy a fan if you can't get a cross breeze, you will feel better for it.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 13th Feb, '09, 21:08
by Joy
Boiling water - best addition to that are either some chamomile tea bags or some eucalyptus essence.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 14th Feb, '09, 10:53
by Fat Bob
Sorry, didn't read this yesterday. Go to a doc for crying out loud!

If what the GP gave you doesn't clear it up, then ask for a referal to the doc suggested by Spike. (Referal letter for the insurance if you have it; if not, then just go!)

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 14th Feb, '09, 15:35
by FurBaby
good idea with rationing out the afrin, slinky. some years ago i got hooked on it - literally developed a physical dependency on it - and at the worst point, i was using it every 2 hours (including waking up thru the night cos i couldn't breathe without it).
slinky wrote:OK, back from the doc with a bag of stuff. Salt water spray to help break it all up so I can blow it out, Afrin (which I don't like very much, so won't use unless I really cannot breathe -- not a problem yet), pills called Danzen for swelling & something about mucus and ibuprofen for pain. She also told me to boil water and breathe in the steam, so I'll try that one out later.

Re: Sinus infection

Posted: 14th Feb, '09, 18:31
by slinky
Yes, I've been warned about that with the afrin before, FurBaby, that's why I was hesitant about it. HOWEVER, I decided to use it last night near midnight and lo & behold, it took away the sinus pain almost immediately & that part hasn't been back. I don't know how or why that stuff works, but it's shockingly amazing! Used it the first time a year or so ago when I had a bad sinus infection and was totally amazed that it was able to make me breathe so well and for so long.

My bottle from the doctor even says not to use it for more than 4 consecutive days :lol: Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight without it. Much better today, but feel totally wiped out.