URGENTLY looking for participants for short men's health sur
Posted: 12th Aug, '09, 08:19
Hi all.
Please find the criteria stated as below, do feel free to forward them
to anyone suitable
- Males
- Aged 34-64 years old
- Must have the condition of erectile dysfunction (ED)
- Must articulate well in English
- Interview will be done in office near Toa Payoh or Bukit Merah
- Token: $60-75
- Type of interview: one to one, face to face
- Interview duration: 45-50mins
Interested parties, please email the following details to
research_360@yahoo.com ASAP.
Thank you!
RESPONDENT NAME: ____________
GENDER: _______
AGE: _____
EDN LEVEL: ________
OCCUPATION: __________
OFF TEL: __________
HP: ___________
Industry you work in: __________
Monthly Personal Income:
Monthly Household Income:
How many times have you engaged in sexual intercourse with another person during the last 4 weeks? ___________
Have you taken any erectile dysfunction drug with prescription in the last 12 months? __________
if yes, please state the drug prescribed:
if no, please state type of home remedy taken:
Please find the criteria stated as below, do feel free to forward them
to anyone suitable
- Males
- Aged 34-64 years old
- Must have the condition of erectile dysfunction (ED)
- Must articulate well in English
- Interview will be done in office near Toa Payoh or Bukit Merah
- Token: $60-75
- Type of interview: one to one, face to face
- Interview duration: 45-50mins
Interested parties, please email the following details to
research_360@yahoo.com ASAP.
Thank you!
RESPONDENT NAME: ____________
GENDER: _______
AGE: _____
EDN LEVEL: ________
OCCUPATION: __________
OFF TEL: __________
HP: ___________
Industry you work in: __________
Monthly Personal Income:
Monthly Household Income:
How many times have you engaged in sexual intercourse with another person during the last 4 weeks? ___________
Have you taken any erectile dysfunction drug with prescription in the last 12 months? __________
if yes, please state the drug prescribed:
if no, please state type of home remedy taken: