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San Fransisco

Posted: 31st Aug, '10, 13:44
by nev
I have to travel there in mid-October for a two-day conference (!!), so I extended the trip to include a long weekend.

Any suggestions on what to do, where to to eat, what not to miss? I trust your advice more than those travel sites.

Thanks! [smilie=mango.gif]

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 31st Aug, '10, 14:16
by Fat Bob
Do you like wine? The Napa is a couple of hours drive away at most and is a lovely place. Spent a day there when I had a similar visit a few years ago.

Then there's a chocolate factory somewhere overlooking the bay, and of course Alcatraz is supposed to be good, unless it was really destroyed in XMen 3 or the Rock. Not sure where else.

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 31st Aug, '10, 14:24
by Scrummy Mummy
We enjoyed Alcatraz (back in 1994). Yosemite is stunning, but it's a long drive.

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 31st Aug, '10, 14:33
by nev
Is it Ghirardelli chocolate company? I heard it's lovely.

I was just looking at Napa Valley, it could be interesting. I don't drink, but I appreciate good food and I heard the French Laundry restaurant is fantastic (if I can get a reservation).

Alcatraz is probably not my cup of tea.

Has anyone been to Monterey Bay Aquarium? Is it worth a visit? I can't decide if I want to dive the chilly waters of Monterey Bay, or just go to the aquarium.

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 31st Aug, '10, 19:26
by Lichtgestalt
Alcatraz is ok, interesting but more if you consider the history around it. In itself it's just an old prison basically... Napa valley is nice and wine tasting is good ... unless you are the driver, then you can sip on a glass of wine and that's about it. I'd recommend the Redwood forrest (Muir Woods) and the lighthouse (Point Reyes, but check which days are open during winter). Drive down towards Santa Cruz and visit Halfmoon Bay but again, most likely it's deserted because it's winter. Nice drive anyway. Some pics

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 31st Aug, '10, 20:22
by slinky
Mid-October isn't quite winter :lol: Halfmoon Bay is lovely - just rent a car and take a drive along Hwy 1 on the coast - very nice. Redwood Forest is good. Good luck with reservations for the French Laundry -- I know people who waited years for a table there :o But, don't let that stop you from trying, but get in touch sooner rather than later to see if it's possible.

We were just in the Bay Area in July - not San Francisco itself, but nearby. I hadn't been there in about 12 years and I'd forgotten just how utterly beautiful that part of California is. I think I kind of decided I could see myself living there a better economy, perhaps ;)

I'm sure it will be a great trip, Nev, enjoy!!

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 31st Aug, '10, 22:58
by Beesknees
How lovely - I love just walking about San Francisco although it's been a long time since I've been there. I like the North Beach area ( I think it's called that) beside China Town. I remember a great (cheap *Chinese) restaurant there called Chef Jia's on Kearney Street and just up the road from that was a great bar where all the literati of their time (Kerouac, Ginsberg etc) used to hang out. Great photos on the wall of the long and narrow bar and lots of atmosphere - can't remember it's name.

*have never tasted anything like it since

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 1st Sep, '10, 01:02
by skank-la
Monterey Aquarium & Monterey in general definitely worth the trip. Morse Botanical Reserve & Forest & nearby Carmel are not to be missed.

DO NOT dive in those cold waters the old adage ' the coldest winter I ever spent was the summer I spent in San Francisco' comes to mind-same for the water

While in San Fran go do the Golden Gate early AM see if you can shots of yourself in front of it shrouded in fog.
Fishermans Wharf while touristy is fun.

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 1st Sep, '10, 03:22
by chocolate
You need to check out Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood - some cool shops, Cha Cha Cha restaurant (ate there twice, delicious) - still very hippie/1960's...awesome. I stayed in the Red Victorian bed and breakfast ( an "interesting" experience.
I explored all of the neighbourhoods that I could get to. Cool curvy and very steep Lombard street is worth a quick look, do a cable car ride, why not... you are going to be in food heaven there....OMG so much good food and great sushi.
golden gate as skank suggested, wander down the Castro area, it's one of my favorite cities, sorry I can't come and play :(

Alcatraz didn't do it for me, great food around the Mission area, be careful there though...well was a little sketchy when I was there

So much to do...enjoy!

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 1st Sep, '10, 21:03
by Lili Von Shtupp
I just found out that my cousin is a chef at The French Laundry. I haven't seen him or spoken to him in ages, or else I'd ask if he can get you in, Nev. He'd seriously be like Lili Von Who?

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 2nd Sep, '10, 12:34
by nev
Great recommendations, thanks!!
I heard about the great food, so I'll be sure to indulge during my stay. I'm going to pass on the sushi, though, because I'll be spending about six weeks in Tokyo before and after San Fransisco :)
Beesknees: Funny that I had similar experience with Chinese food; the best I've tasted was actually at Billy Lee's and James St. Kitchen in Perth's Chinatown. Not in HK, not anywhere in Asia. Someone told me it's because all the best Chinese chefs have emigrated either to Australia, California, or Vancouver.
Can't get a reservation at French Laundry so I guess Napa is out. (Thanks for the thought Lili).

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 23rd Sep, '10, 10:52
by nev
I've made all the arrangements [smilie=mango.gif] [smilie=mango.gif] Looks like I'll be freezing my ar$e off diving Monterey after all, but hey, I only live once!
I'm lucky to have a few locals to drag around while I'm there, so I'm hoping to do some of these stuff, if not all:

- Ghirardelli chocolate factory tour (!!)
- Fisherman's wharf
- Dive Monterey Bay
- Monterey aquarium
- Gilroy outlet mall (yeah!!)
- The mission at San Juan Bautista
- Haight-Ashbury
- Castro
- Golden Gate bridge and park

Anything else I shouldn't miss?
[smilie=mango.gif] [smilie=mango.gif]

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 23rd Sep, '10, 11:59
by slinky
Looks like a great list, Nev! I'm envious :)

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 23rd Sep, '10, 12:03
by Morrolan
ditto on Monterey Bay Aquarium. awesome.

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 23rd Sep, '10, 20:08
by Fat Bob
nev wrote:
- Ghirardelli chocolate factory tour (!!)
Don't want to spoil you trip before you go, but:

Does Ghirardelli offer factory tours? No, we do not offer public tours of our manufacturing facility.

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 23rd Sep, '10, 20:28
by nev
Oh well I'd be happy with the store at Fisherman's Wharf then :)

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 24th Sep, '10, 03:50
by sluggo
Just because you can't eat at the French Laundry doesn't mean you can't go to Napa. Its not the only good restaurant in Napa. Besides the wine is great and it is very pleasant up there. Why would anyone want to eat at a laundry anyway?

Re: San Fransisco

Posted: 18th Oct, '10, 09:38
by nev
Back in Tokyo now, thanks to all of you, I had a wonderful experience in San Fransisco. The recommendations are great.

I love California better than the east coast... it's much cleaner, people are just so much nicer, food is better. My only gripe is the filthy public transport system (BART - I would call it BARF, really), which luckily I only had to take once. It's still a far cry from NY subway though; that's beyond filthy and scary.

Diving in Monterey (well, actually Monastery beach in Carmel) was f*cking cold but beautiful. I would do it again, but in a drysuit. 11C water is just brutal.

I posted some pics on Facebook if you're on my friends list, otherwise PM me for my blog address :)