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"Thirteen Moons" by Charles Frazier

Posted: 14th Feb, '08, 17:11
by Fuzz

I have finally finished reading Thirteen Moons, the book written by Charles Frazier after his worldwide best-seller Cold Mountain. I had been tempted to quit the book from time to time because it’s not the easiest book to read - it’s not one that you can finish in one continuous reading session. The sentences are tight with words that need to be savoured one by one.

Thirteen Moons is about Will Cooper, who is abandoned by his parents to open a shop in an Indian territory - he ends up being adopted by a Cherokee chief and later on becomes a senator and a colonel. In the process, he is also linked with a mysterious lady called Claire Featherstone ….

The book is a hard slog as I mentioned earlier - however, after I finished reading it, I’m glad that I did it and didn’t give up. Towards the end, when I sensed the imminent closure of the story with the dwindling pages to flick, I started to miss Will Cooper. By then, I already knew him as if he were an acquaintance.

If you have the stamina to read and are looking for a good book to read, give Thirteen Moons a go! I can finally return the book to my workmate - she kindly lent it to me because she thought I would finish it soon and that was nearly three months ago! :o It’s actually her sister’s book as well!

I'm reading Ian McEwan's On Chesil Beach at the moment and will finish it this weekend, in preparation of the Writers' Week here in Adelaide in a fortnight's time, when Ian will be in Adelaide!