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The Hangover

Posted: 27th Jul, '09, 17:48
by Joseph27
Couldn't resist and went and watched this yesterday at Great World City.... The same director of Old School and thankfully he was good enough to bring the same wedding singer back. This is a bloody great movie in which you don't stop laughing - well I didn't from start to finish it is sensational. Will be one of the few films that I venture back into a cinema for a 2nd viewing. FB its a 4.25 [smilie=yahoo.gif]

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 28th Jul, '09, 09:39
by T2K
Yes, it is good. Of course Zoolander is better and always will be, but this one is funny. Hansel, so hot right now, Hansel.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 28th Jul, '09, 10:00
by Tas
Thanks for review, I like a good stupid movie every now and again for a guilty laugh, and the trailers had been making me chuckle enough that wanted to go, but wasn't sure if they'd just been showing the only good bits.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 28th Jul, '09, 17:54
by Joseph27
Tas - I'm still laughing everytime I think about. I loved Old School - I still watch it every now and then because of its stupidity and its just fun to watch. "The Dan Band" singing total eclipse of the heart in that movie was legendary - then to see them in this at the end just made it a fun afternoon. It really is worth a look - I know its easy to poo poo American films and all too often I fall into that trap as well - but hell when they do crude and coarse they do it well [smilie=groovy.gif]

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 28th Jul, '09, 19:09
by slinky
T2K wrote:Of course Zoolander is better and always will be, but this one is funny.
T2K has been trying to get us to watch Zoolander for quite some time now........I think we all just need to watch it and report back here [smilie=rotflmao.gif]

(I'm sure we'll download The Hangover at some point -- sometimes a just plain silly movie is necessary)

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 28th Jul, '09, 19:32
by Fat Bob
Zoolander is crap.

Want mindless movies: Porky's, the first three American Pie, Shrek.....

Now to get me the third Porky's!

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 29th Jul, '09, 08:42
by Tas
I was going to mention Porky's earlier as a classic. A tear still comes to my eye (in a funny way) and a grin to my face when I imagine that scene in the coaches office post the shower exposure scene. Seem to recall falling off the couch lauging so hard.

Zoolander - get its a particular good version of that genre, but I never was a particular Ben Stiller fan, and I'm even more over him now. If I'm in the right mood, had a good day, a couple of drinks in my then I appreciate Zoolander, but it's not one I would put on an get into straight away...

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 3rd Aug, '09, 20:18
by Rosbif71
went to see hangover yesterday. Very good film.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 3rd Aug, '09, 22:19
by BoD
Yes, tick VG and a gold star

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 4th Aug, '09, 13:23
by nev
Very good laugh. Completely mindless fun.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 17th Nov, '09, 18:55
by baloo
Saw it on the plane last night. Very good. Worthy of a download to see what was edited out.

Not sure what to watch tonight though, maybe G.I. Joe

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 17th Nov, '09, 20:52
by Fresh Mint
I really don't get it. Everyone I know has recommended it to me and I thought it was very average. Wasn't bad, but it wasn't a keeper.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 17th Nov, '09, 22:19
by Sardonicus
I could swear I covered this when it came out but can't find the thread. It was take-it-or-leave-it entertaining taken at its own merit, so I ended up liking it.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 18th Nov, '09, 06:31
by Tas
watched it on the plane, full of enthusiasm for a laugh. there were a few moments but nothing that really grabbed me. just found the anticipation, or build up to the gag just wasn't quite there. I did like most of the actors and would like to watch them again in other movies.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 18th Nov, '09, 08:23
by Joseph27
In the same spirit as Old School - it was just fun to watch. Easy and enjoyable entertainment....

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 28th Jan, '10, 13:23
by Panama Hat
Frat-boy humour, nothing outstanding.

Re: The Hangover

Posted: 28th Jan, '10, 20:51
by Fat Bob
Fresh Mint wrote:I really don't get it. Everyone I know has recommended it to me and I thought it was very average. Wasn't bad, but it wasn't a keeper.
Well, I got it, but would agree that it was OK, but nothing more.