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A film flag - TGWDT

Posted: 23rd Mar, '10, 18:32
by Tas
Swedish version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is apparently complete - to watch out for in indie/foreign movie cinemas.

SMH done a soso quality review, but they reckon it's good. ... -qto6.html

Re: A film flag - TGWDT

Posted: 23rd Mar, '10, 19:07
by daffodil
I'm just reading the book, really enjoying it.

Re: A film flag - TGWDT

Posted: 23rd Mar, '10, 19:22
by Fuzz
Got a free ticket to watch it tomorrow but have to give it away :(

Re: A film flag - TGWDT

Posted: 23rd Mar, '10, 19:50
by Tack
I'd like to see the Swedish version, thanks for heads up. I enjoyed the book and waiting for Mr T to finish it before we go to the movie. I think book then film is a better way to go.

Re: A film flag - TGWDT

Posted: 17th Aug, '10, 07:26
by Tas
So I saw the Swedish version on the plane last month. OK, thought the main couple of characters physically, like Lisbeth weren't bad choices, the co-company director female (can't think character name) was an awful choice though - you dont' want get to much into the commentary about the attractiveness of female characters - but clearly the role called for elegance and this woman didn't have a shred - but she was barely in any scene for more that a minute. Frustrating not to be able to follow dialogue. And the relationship between ALL characters were fairly poorly developed - the complexity of interwoven relationships was barely touched, and a disappointment, suspect the good French film makers would have handled that aspect much better. The production felt like a good SBS telly movie, not a screen effort.

Mention again as the news is stating that Hollywood are selecting leads at the mo for an English version - horrified to hear myself say that it may be the caase where they can do a better job on this book adaption. So Daniel Craig hinted for Blomsberg role and there is mention of Scarlett Johansson for the Lisbeth role. Actually think she'd do a great job, thinks shes a good actress and it's the media that crap on about sex siren stuff. But have to note, she's going to have to seriously change her body shape to embody that scrawniness you imagine the girl to have.

Re: A film flag - TGWDT

Posted: 18th Aug, '10, 08:05
by Tas
so anyway, decided ... 128b1.html
not that I agree with others comments on article that the Swedish version was fantastic. (The scene where they were supposedly in Australia was terrible)