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Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 25th Jun, '11, 06:56
by Fat Bob
nev wrote: The bruising can be hidden with make-up (lots of it) I think. Thanks slinky!
Or a mask. Or a bag.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 09:32
by nev
I wouldn't recommend Tay & Partners (TP Dental Surgeons). I went there with a molar that was broken in half by an unpopped corn (hiding in the popped ones, ba$tard!). The dentist had to inject me 5 times before it was numb enough ("I couldn't find the nerve because your teeth are too close together" wtf?). He then proceeded to put a temporary crown on, while a hapless dental assistant kept suctioning the the insides of my cheek, missing all the liquids entirely. $385 for the torture, which I thought was a rip-off. Never again.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 09:40
by Kooky
Oops somebody recommended them on page 1. (Wasn't me.)

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 09:50
by nev
They have several dentists, maybe I was unlucky. But seriously, a bad dentist AND a bad assistant? Jeez. It really was not a good day.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 10:11
by Tas
wish had not read that description Nev. I'm having total flashbacks to useless assistants sticking that sucker into senstive bits of cheek and flesh and poking it about with no frigg'n clue, brrghhhhh. I usually take about 3 needles+ to get anywhere - my favourite memory was getting the shudders, heart palpitations and shakes because he missed some spot - and he seemed not to think that was a problem...funnily enough I've not been back to a dentist since the last effort......

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 10:16
by Kooky
Yep I can completely identify with the assistant not having a clue where they're sticking the suction tube; there's one at my periodontist like that.

The bill of $275 for under ten minutes' work the other night was even more painful.

nev, all those injections for prep for one temporary crown sounds ridiculous.

edit: can't spell rickydoodylus

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 10:42
by Morrolan
Kooky wrote:nev, all those injections for prep for one temporary crown sounds riduculous.
i agree. for my first crown the tooth was prepped and drilled down without any shots. to put a temporary cap you shouldn't need anything.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 12:58
by Lili Von Shtupp
But if it's broken in half there could be some very sensitive nerve endings exposed. I once had a broken tooth that was so painful I had to be put under for the work to be done. I'd had a million injections and nothing made even the slightest difference in the intensity of pain. I couldn't stop shaking, so the dentist couldn't even work. And let me tell ya, I'm no stranger to dental work. That was awful.

Sorry about your ordeal, Nev, I can soooo relate.

On that note, mother of coincidences, I just got back from a check-up and scaling. I rewarded myself with a new handbag.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 13:29
by nev
The temp crown is there to see if the pain persists. If it does, I'll need a root canal before the permanent crown can be fitted.
My second option is extraction, which needs to be done surgically because there's not much left of the tooth for normal extraction.
I'm going diving in two weeks, so both options will need to wait til I'm back. At this point I'm just hoping for a painless holiday.

I need to buy two handbags.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 29th Jul, '11, 13:56
by Lili Von Shtupp
nev wrote:I need to buy two handbags.
Indeed! :D

Good luck, Nev.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 30th Jul, '11, 01:55
by cromasaig
Lili Von Shtupp wrote:I rewarded myself with a new handbag.
Thread takes a sudden left turn.


Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 30th Jul, '11, 12:22
by Scrummy Mummy
I don't want to see her teeth!

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 30th Jul, '11, 14:38
by Pinklepurr
Good luck Nev, sounds like a horror dental visit. A definite 2 handbag situation!

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 3rd Aug, '11, 18:30
by nev
I went and got my regular dentist Dr Sharma to pull it out. She had to do it surgically because of the position of the tooth, but it was painless, and it was done in 15 minutes. Oh, and the dental assistant was competent.

On a slightly depressing note, the X-ray revealed that two of my wisdom teeth are slowly killing the teeth next to them, so they need to go too. Another molar also has an infection at the root and will need to go, then replaced with an implant.

I still need to buy the handbags after all.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 3rd Aug, '11, 23:48
by Possum
Wouldn't it be better to repair and safe?

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 4th Aug, '11, 09:25
by nev
Possum wrote:Wouldn't it be better to repair and safe?
The tooth that went was only a stump, the rest had broken off. It's also an extra tooth (I have 5 extra apparently :D ) so I really don't need it.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 4th Aug, '11, 10:26
by Lili Von Shtupp
I've recently heard that the trend in dental care is to remove wisdom teeth early, no matter how healthy they are. When you're young they're no problem, but as you age the overcrowding leads to bite issues that can break teeth, and because they're so far back in the mouth, they are very difficult to clean. Periodontists are saying that the worst cases of gum disease start with the wisdom teeth and spread to the molars next to them. Good riddance I say!

But sorry you've had to go through all this. :(

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 4th Aug, '11, 10:43
by slinky
I always thought it was almost the norm to remove wisdom teeth early. Most people I knew growing up had them out in high school or university at the latest. I was advised to have mine cut out when I was about 16 but I waited until they actually came partially in and were sore and had them out at 18. Should have done it earlier as advised though because my bottom teeth are now crooked again because of the crowding they caused :(

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 4th Aug, '11, 11:13
by Lili Von Shtupp
It seemed at that time I was told that if they're not causing pain or problems, then leave them in. I've got all four of mine, but have to go for very regular scaling to keep them clean. PIA.

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 4th Aug, '11, 11:21
by Kooky
I don't think I have wisdom teeth. Make up your own jokes :(

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 24th Nov, '11, 16:08
by nev
Horror dental surgery day tomorrow: two wisdom teeth and one molar are on their way out. Plus I have to attend a wedding on Sunday. No swelling on the last tooth extraction so I hope this one will be fine. Wish me luck!

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 24th Nov, '11, 16:13
by slinky
Good luck, Nev!! Fingers crossed!

We began our orthodontic adventure for Little Boy Slink this morning -- he had an impression made for a growth plate. In 3 more months we'll see if his sister needs something similar. Need to get better dental insurance. We're currently not covered for orthodontics and I'm fairly certain full braces are in the boy's future :o

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 24th Nov, '11, 16:43
by nev
Thanks, I need the luck!

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 24th Nov, '11, 20:24
by Pinklepurr
You'll be fine Nev, but good luck anyway. ;)

Re: Dentist thread

Posted: 25th Nov, '11, 03:41
by avatarless
Good luck, Nev. Weddings are a drag.