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Need a locksmith

Posted: 12th Sep, '08, 16:19
by Scrummy Mummy
Mini-Scummy can now reach and turn the locks on the internal doors. I'm worried about him locking himself in a room. I don't believe I've ever seen the keys for these (and certainly can't find them). Can anyone recommend a locksmith to change the locks or dismantle them (since we never use them).

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 12th Sep, '08, 16:41
by Bender
If you want them rendered unusable fast and cheaply, use super glue to freeze the mechanism in place. You can delay paying for a locksmith until you want them changed or removed, if ever.

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 12th Sep, '08, 16:56
by Scrummy Mummy
Hmmn, just wandering how the landlord might react!

But if I do it, squirt the superglue in the key hole or at the back around the knob that turns?

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 12th Sep, '08, 17:07
by Bender
Scummy Mummy wrote:Hmmn, just wandering how the landlord might react!
But if I do it, squirt the superglue in the key hole or at the back around the knob that turns?
If you're renting, tell the landlord or agent you need the keys as it's a child safety issue. If a locksmith is needed (it's generally easier to replace the lock mechanism than try to cut a key for an existing lock), it shouldn't be at your cost.

And if you decide to use the glue, use it to stop the locking lever/knob from moving (I'm assuming the lock knob/lever is separate from the doorknob/handle). If you're not 100% sure, ask someone who knows and is able to look at the lock.

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 12th Sep, '08, 17:26
by Fat Bob
I've got details of a Singapore based one at home. Will attempt to post later. Though "later" might be tomorrow! :D

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 12th Sep, '08, 17:57
by BFG
Fat Bob wrote:I've got details of a Singapore based one at home. Will attempt to post later. Though "later" might be tomorrow! :D
Can't you run home, get the info, post it here and then zoom back to the Bungy Bar to get bladdered?


Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 13th Sep, '08, 14:46
by Fat Bob
No I couldn't.

I used these guys. Very quick to turn up and quite inexpensive.

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 14th Sep, '08, 15:24
by Scrummy Mummy
Thanks FB.

Have e-mailed landlord to get him to sort it, but if I don;t get a reply son will give your guys a call.

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 15th Sep, '08, 15:49
by cromasaig
Scummy Mummy wrote: I don;t get a reply son will give your guys a call.
Of course, he's unusually gifted for a 20-month-old. ;)

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 15th Sep, '08, 20:43
by Scrummy Mummy
Ha ha ha, I TOLD you I'm too old to type well!

In the end landlord suggested (and I eventually located) some handle-covers for baby proofing. I put sellotape over the locks, then put these bulb shaped plastic covers over the top and, well, Bob's your uncle (at which point FB kills himself at the idea of being anyone's uncle).

Useful tip for other parents of littlies, although of course they'll be much older than my genius boy ..... ;)

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 15th Sep, '08, 20:46
by Burbage
I'm surprised no one suggested the cheap option.
Spoiler: toggle
Cut off Mini-Scummy's arms.

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 16th Sep, '08, 11:13
by Scrummy Mummy
I thought about it. But that would have impacted on his multi-faceted future career as a world-class neuro-surgeon, grand-slam-winning tennis player, and singer/lead gutarist in chart topping band.

(Not that we want to put him under any pressure, you understand .......)

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 3rd Aug, '11, 14:39
by Serena03
Locksmith who specialize in a variety of mechanisms, key lock, which are always better than doing any work involving locks. While the technicians of the car dealership are very competent in their work repairing a car, have a more complete understanding of the entire car in an area of ​​locksmithing experience is more specific and precise. Therefore, you can always count on him for updated information on working with the latest keys and locks.

Denver locksmith

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 3rd Aug, '11, 14:55
by Tas
I'm pretty sure one couldn't actually bastardize that bit of writing any more than the original author...

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 3rd Aug, '11, 15:55
by baloo
Tas wrote:I'm pretty sure one couldn't actually bastardize that bit of writing any more than the original author...
Agree, and the fact the locksmith in question seems to be based in Denver, USA, it's difficult to categorise it as advertising

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 3rd Aug, '11, 16:29
by Scrummy Mummy
And the fact that I live in Perth makes it even less useful.

(Although I did actually lock myself out a few months ago.....)

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 4th Aug, '11, 08:02
by Tas
oooo and it's so expensive in Aus to get back in $175 later in Sydney at least!

Re: Need a locksmith

Posted: 12th Nov, '11, 12:48
by slinky
Geez, don't these spammers even bother to look at the forum before they post? What good is a Los Angeles locksmith to anyone in Singapore??