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Posted: 1st Feb, '12, 12:53
by SunshineAfterRain
My baby started crawling about a month but she moved backwards and had a temperature at 38 deg on 2nd day of CNY and brought her to A&E . The following day, fever subsided . Last night, finally she succeeded in crawling forward and sit up on her own. She is now 7 months and 5 days old.

She has been drooling since +4 months and until now she is still waiting for her first tooth to sprout.

A colleague just mentioned that her daughter was crawling forward when she was +6 months old. So is my baby behind the milestone?

Re: Growth

Posted: 1st Feb, '12, 13:13
by Tas
Dont' get into the compare my baby stuff SAR. It will simply do your head in. Only you and your doctor need worry about what are in normal RANGES for different children development.

Re: Growth

Posted: 1st Feb, '12, 13:20
by baloo
BBII only started crawling when he was about 8 or 9 months. But then he was walking at 11months.

Like Tas said, don't let it worry you. If there is a reason for concern your doc will bring it up.

Re: Growth

Posted: 1st Feb, '12, 15:30
by Scrummy Mummy
She maybe ahead on the drooling milestone, though ;)

Seriously, as the others have said, keep well away from comparisons and competitive parents.

Re: Growth

Posted: 1st Feb, '12, 15:44
by Pinklepurr
Yep, don't worry about milestones, the ranges in them are huge. If you listen to others and start comparing life will be one big worry. Like the others say, and I think we have said about other things before, bring it up with the doctor if you are worried about anything like that.

Oh, and my older boy didn't ever crawl, just went straight from rolling around to standing to walking, and like BB11 it didn't happen until later on, he was nearly 12 should see him now he is a teenager, doing backflips and the like on the trampoline! And we were worried about his learning to walk...

Re: Growth

Posted: 1st Feb, '12, 21:26
by slinky
SAR, I agree with all of the above wholeheartedly. 'Normal' is defined in ranges. Think of it on a classic bell curve -- the bulk fall right in the middle of the range while some get there early and some get there later. Just like every (adult) person you meet is different, every baby is different and will do things in their own time. If you see something happening - or not happening - that really concerns you, talk to your baby's doctor about it. Other mothers can only give you the perspective of their own experience with their own children, which is often pretty meaningless for your child.

Re: Growth

Posted: 1st Feb, '12, 22:57
by Satellite
yup agree. the ranges vary so greatly. Some people tell me if a baby walks fast, then speech might be delatyed.

Master sate was slow at both! Didn't crawl at all - walked only at 14months. And not a single word (except hump, car and blue) . Not even Mama or Dada until he was two. However, he did not drool at all.

Miss Sate started crawling at 8 or 9 months and she used to drool like crazy. Then the drooling stopped but seems to be coming back. Some babies I've met only started having teeth very late.

So all very individual.

Re: Growth

Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 01:39
by skank-la
Like PinklPurr my son never crawled - he went straight to walking

They're all unique - just like snowflakes :mrgreen:

Re: Growth

Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 07:28
by Tas
Cripes my sister has twins who are a gorgeous delight, but its absolutely ridiculous how different they are in personality and physical aspects. The boy is a complete fatty and 1kg heavier than the girl, likes to poo fart smile then go to sleep. The girl is lighter brighter, and likes to keep her eyes open at all times so she doesnt miss a thing, that said she likes to grin after a massive ppffftttploooop as well - must really feel better. Anyways they are on the same diet of breast feeding but developing so differently. Too early yet to tell about the other stuff, I'm assuming they'll push each other along to develop some activities at similar times, but who knows. Either ways you they came out at the same time from the same womb and couldn't be more different - so why even bother comparing to some other child from nothing related to you!!!!!

Re: Growth

Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 09:39
by slinky
Tas wrote:Cripes my sister has twins who are a gorgeous delight, but its absolutely ridiculous how different they are in personality and physical aspects.
Tell me about it!! I can say the same about mine as babies - and even now as 8 year olds in many ways.

Re: Growth

Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 15:40
by Pinklepurr
I think a quick peruse of just our answers should give SAR all the answers she needs, look at the variety in just our little sample. ;)

Re: Growth

Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 17:44
by SunshineAfterRain
Thanks ladies for all the genuine and valuable inputs!

I'll double-check with the doctor this weekend when I bring K for her vaccine which was supposed to be taken at 6 months but she is overdue now.

Re: Growth

Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 19:55
by Fat Bob
Hey! There was the odd gent giving genuine and valuable input too! I mean, baloo and skank are both quite odd.

Re: Growth

Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 20:28
by BoD
Drooling is an achievement?


Posted: 2nd Feb, '12, 22:09
by SunshineAfterRain
I was still in the office when replying to this thread, hence, my oversight. Thanks for the reminder, FB!

Thank you too, Baloo and Skank!!

HoD, drooling denotes that a baby is teething. An early developer may have their first white cap as early as about 4 months.

Re: Growth

Posted: 3rd Feb, '12, 13:47
by Fat Bob
Does that mean I'm teething after about 6 pints down Clarke Quay (or any other place with cute girls in short skirts)

Re: Growth

Posted: 3rd Feb, '12, 17:51
by daffodil
Not entirely a selling point there FB !