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Re: Perth

Posted: 12th Jan, '11, 16:23
by Aliya
Isolated!! You should trying living in Godzone lol.

SAR - congrats on the baby and the man, when did all this happen, what have I missed out on xx

Re: Perth

Posted: 14th Jan, '11, 21:36
by Scrummy Mummy
Bender wrote:Can somebody explain for me, apart from having a huge ex-UK population (and tons of bogans), what the heck people find so enticing about Perth? We visit the place regularly as one set of parents are there, and I reckon it's possibly the most uninspiring of all the State capitals. Apart from getting out of Perth, what do Perth people do for fun?
Can't speak for others. I've been to Sydney (4x), Melbourne (3x), Darwin, Adelaide, Canberra. Actually liked them all in different ways but when we first visited Perth, about 12 years ago, it just felt like home. Beautiful river, sunny weather, nice beaches, not huge city. SD mentioned the other day that some of the buildings reminded him of Nottingham and we both really liked living there, so maybe, unconsciously, it was that. We weren't even aware of the proportion of Brits until recently. Bogans? Well apparently I'm one too, since I shop at IKEA.

Fun? What do people do in other places they can't do here?

At least chewing gum is legal....

Re: Perth

Posted: 14th Jan, '11, 21:54
by Lili Von Shtupp
Scrummy Mummy wrote:At least chewing gum is legal....
And apparently, they can chew gum and drive at the same time. ;)

Re: Perth

Posted: 16th Jan, '11, 17:11
by Scrummy Mummy
SAR: Came across this, which you might find interesting:

Btw, if you want more info or you want to meet up for a coffee on your next recce feel free to PM me


Posted: 19th Jan, '11, 13:42
by SunshineAfterRain
SM, thanks heap for this useful website :)
If the next trip back to Perth is long (usually will be there only for a few days and has to rely on him to drive me around since I'm not familiar with the area), I would like to hook up with you!


Posted: 21st Sep, '11, 13:35
by SunshineAfterRain
I've been here slightly over a week now. Been here on numerous occasions during Spring but it seems like this time round it rains more than before. It has been pissing down since the day I arrived! I'm suppose to do some visiting and sightseeing with my baby but ended up we are house-bound :-(

Btw, why does the water tasted 'salty'? I find it hard to drink without boiling it.

I would like to get some cereal (lactose intolerance) for baby, I have visited a few big shopping centres but was unable to find Gerber by Nestle. We live near Guildford, is there a shop somewhere here which I can get this product?

Re: Perth

Posted: 21st Sep, '11, 14:23
by Scrummy Mummy
You're unlucky this week, SAR. It was GORGEOUS just before you arrived - I was annoying people on FB about how often we went to the beach.

Can't say the water tastes salty to me.

Have you tried Health Food shops? (I've just had a look on the Woolworths website but can't see it there).

(You might want to try the British Expats website (Australia) as there'll be loads of people from Perth on there).

Re: Perth

Posted: 21st Sep, '11, 15:21
by Scrummy Mummy
Did you ever learn to drive, btw?

There's a 2-week school holiday starting 1/10 so we could try to meet up then, if you like?

Re: Perth

Posted: 21st Sep, '11, 17:50
by SunshineAfterRain
SM, I just got back from Big W and bought a tin of S-26 (lactose free) as a substitute which I will mix it into Keisha's current milk powder and let her try it out.

I would like to meet up but I have not gotten myself a driver's license :(
Do you live on East Perth? I might be heading that direction next week since my husband will be visiting some of his clients. But I am not sure which day. I will inbox you once the date is fixed?

Re: Perth

Posted: 21st Sep, '11, 18:20
by Kooky
Are you aware that S-26 Soy formula contains genetically-modified ingredients, SAR?

I'm not saying you shouldn't use it - it's your choice, but you won't see that on the label so I thought I'd let you know.

Re: Perth

Posted: 21st Sep, '11, 19:31
by SunshineAfterRain
Kooky, it's not known to me. Or else I wouldn't have bought it. The tin of S-26 is labelled as whey dominant premium formula for infants and it is known as 'S-26 GOLD'; easily digestible. I have compared and looked at the ingredients and it's almost 85% similar to the formula Keisha is currently taking. Why I can't find Similac here!

Re: Perth

Posted: 21st Sep, '11, 20:34
by Scrummy Mummy

We're north, close to Joondalup.

Next week's dodgy for me anyway, as it's the last chance to get any work done before the school holidays.

Let me know when you're settled and we can try to meet up in a few weeks.