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Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 10:50
by Possum
Finding decent milk in Singapore has always been a problem. When we are in NZ the girls love to drink it by the glass but won’t touch it here. I have finally found one that is the closest we have got to a decent taste and the kids like it.
It is produced in Indonesia but is strongly marketed as “from AUSTRALIAN DAIRY COWS”.
LOL. Its what goes into the cow that determines the flavor not the nationality of the cow :lol:
PS the brand in Greenfields.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 10:51
by Beesknees
The supermarket at Tanglin and the Market Place have organic milk from the USA.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 10:54
by Possum
Excellent, I'll go check it out.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 11:23
by Beesknees
Mmm I'm feeling a bit pleased with myself that I was able to help someone!

I haven't moved to Singapore yet but was there last week, for a week. Will be moving there within next couple of months for about 18 months. I was doing the rounds of the supermarkets and was pleased by the quality of fruit and vegetables. I buy organic whenever I can but unfortunately there didn't seem to be a great selection available. I have just read elsewhere on this forum about the organic farm in Singapore that delivers so I imagine I'll use that service when I arrive (Green Circle farm)

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 11:29
by canuck
I buy pura, the one in the blue and white, is suppose to be imported from Aus

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 12:57
by slinky
The organic milk from the US is Horizon Organic and it is indeed delicious. HOWEVER, it costs about S$10 per litre :o :o :o And, as a family who goes through about 12-15 litres a week, I just can't do it :(

Greenfields is decent and is my back up to Masters Pura.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 13:35
by Aliya
I buy Pura or that Farmhouse one. Or organic if I feel a bit flush. Thats it.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 14:17
by Jedi
I think Farmhouse is pretty good. Most organic stuff is outrageously expensive.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 15:22
by Beesknees
The organic one I was buying cost $6 something a litre. Personally if I can only buy one organic item it's got to be milk. The thought of all those hormones, antibiotics etc injected into the poor cows thereby into the milk <<shudders>> I'm vegetarian before anyone mentions the steak issue.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 15:48
by Burbage
Funnily enough, humans (and their pets) are the only animals that drink milk at a life stage beyond infancy. Of course, if you're a vegetarian you're already on a very unnatural diet anyway, so it hardly figures.

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 15:53
by Aliya
I always go to buy Pura but Farmhouse is always at least a $1 cheaper and the Scot in me leaps to the front of my wallet :)

Re: Milk

Posted: 3rd Feb, '10, 19:43
by Fresh Mint
Browns used to be the best milk available, but it is difficult to find now.

The best currently available in Singapore is (surprisingly) made by Asia's biggest dairy, the Japanese company Meiji.

I am used to drinking big glasses of ice cold milk, and Meiji delivers. No fucking additives.


Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 05:55
by Morrolan
Pura is the pits... not real milk even.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 06:31
by Tas
I'm not a fan of Pura.
Are you guys getting the A4(?I think that's name) brand up in Singapore yet? It's a pretty nice decently priced label in Aus, I seem to think it's organic, but I'm not sure now, it's a 'special' cow in some way or other. One of my managers knows a general manager in Melbourne apparently it's growth in the market is going through the roof.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 07:56
by Beesknees
I think you mean A2milk; an easy mistake to make :-)

Fresh Mint - why do you think there's nothing added to your Japanese milk? Also have you read about homogonized milk? Oooeerr.

I'm in Oz just now and loving the raw milk I can buy from the farmers' markets. I've never tasted anything like it before.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 08:07
by Tas
yep, I came back to say A2! I thought about it and A4, that's just not right!

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 08:23
by Fat Bob
Gordon Bennet Missus Miggins! All this about milk. Isn't it, just, you know, milk?

Full cream on coco pops is the only way to go with milk!

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 08:51
by nev
Greenfields is my choice too, very much like the milk I used to have as a child (and not because I was born half an hour away from the Greenfields farm in Batu)
Meiji is my back-up.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 09:14
by Possum
Fat Bob wrote:Gordon Bennet Missus Miggins! All this about milk. Isn't it, just, you know, milk?

Full cream on coco pops is the only way to go with milk!
Holy Molely and Gordon! Milk is not just milk :o I just spent 2 months on the farm back in kiwiland where we used milk straight from the vat – pure heaven.
Wash your mouth out boy!

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 09:18
by canuck
Beesknees wrote:Tas
I think you mean A2milk; an easy mistake to make :-)

Fresh Mint - why do you think there's nothing added to your Japanese milk? Also have you read about homogonized milk? Oooeerr.

I'm in Oz just now and loving the raw milk I can buy from the farmers' markets. I've never tasted anything like it before.
I had fresh from the cow when I was a kid in summer camp - bleh grassy
homogonise my milk please,, not much of a drinker of milk anymore.... coffee,yes, cereal - yes, cooking - yes, drinking - meh.

This is stuff that comes from cow boobs,, I am not too sure we're really meant to consume great quantities of it.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 10:05
by Morrolan
canuck wrote:This is stuff that comes from cow boobs,, I am not too sure we're really meant to consume great quantities of it.
unless you have an other major daily source of readily absorbable calcium in your diet: yes, we are.

milk rules. [smilie=groovy.gif]

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 10:10
by Kooky
Hoewver milk is not the best source of calcium.

When I was a kid I got mine from the dairy that was next to my farmhouse, and I drank gallons of the stuff (which is why I now may be intolerant to it). (Of it?)

Other factors came into play, but most doctors are still surprised at the severity of my osteoporosis.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 10:22
by Burbage
Morrolan wrote:
canuck wrote:This is stuff that comes from cow boobs,, I am not too sure we're really meant to consume great quantities of it.
unless you have an other major daily source of readily absorbable calcium in your diet: yes, we are.

milk rules. [smilie=groovy.gif]
It's called hard water. one of the reasons why cities like London and Paris grew so large.

Apparently if you reduce the amount of grains in your diet you need less calcium anyway. Apparently the high carb diet of modern civilisations leads to acidic blood which in turn leads to leaching of calcium from bones, which means you need to take in more calcium to make up for the leaching and to buffer the pH of the blood.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 10:32
by Aliya
We have always called it cow juice. I remember as a kid growing up on a dairy farm playing squirting games with the milk as you milked it from the cow, could you get a squirt directly into your bros mouth, if you did you won! The MissesA are going that have that lifestyle in Godzone soon and I cant wait.

No milk here tastes like real milk :(. But back to Meiji, I always thought as Japanese must be nuked to death, do you really mean it has no additives? Will look when shopping next time.

Re: Milk

Posted: 4th Feb, '10, 12:32
by canuck
Morrolan wrote:
canuck wrote:This is stuff that comes from cow boobs,, I am not too sure we're really meant to consume great quantities of it.
unless you have an other major daily source of readily absorbable calcium in your diet: yes, we are.
How can you say yes to that? what other creature on the face of the earth drinks milk after infancy?

and as K said you can get calcium in many many other ways, much more effectively....

Not that I am adverse to ice cream or such, but really,, perspective in food sources I say, chicken ovums and cow boobs?