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Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 12:20
by baloo
Burbage wrote:We are fat and ignorant about our own country, but we expect better from immigrants.
I reckon most countries have that attitude.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 12:23
by Burbage
Not Ireland.

Do you have a great great great great great great great grandfather who might have had a friend who knew a man who knew an Irishman?

Right, you're in.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 12:24
by baloo
Anything for a decent soccer team eh

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 12:26
by Burbage
"Decent" being a rather vague term.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 12:30
by Aliya
My great great grandfather was a Mr Boggs who was hung as a Fenian does that count, can I get an Irish passport?

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 12:33
by Burbage
Aliya wrote:My great great grandfather was a Mr Boggs who was hung as a Fenian does that count, can I get an Irish passport?
I would have thought you were over-qualified.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 16:50
by BFG
Aliya wrote:My great great grandfather was a Mr Boggs who was hung as a Fenian does that count, can I get an Irish passport?

Course you can - it's not as if there is any demand for 'em!


Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 17:17
by Burbage
In a timely blow for the anti-obesity campaign, someone blew up a sugar mill in FNQ today.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 23:23
by Lichtgestalt
Not sure how it is in Australia but health insurance should be far more dependand on those sort of things, i.e. if you are a smoker you pay more, if you are obese pay more.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 20th Jun, '08, 23:40
by Pinklepurr
I haven't said anything so far, but the more I see this thread the more I feel I have to make some comment because I agree with LVS, I have to admit I don't like the attitude of some of the comments. Can't possibly agree with the fat/stupid/ugly bit all being just lumped together.

I know some pretty stupid ugly, thin people and some fantastically intelligent, funny and attractive fat people, and lots of people inbetween, thing is I hadn't thought about them in that context until now, and I don't think I want to.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 07:23
by Bender
Well I guess all this puts me on the fat, ugly and stupid side of the fence. Lucky I don't have a cat!

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 07:28
by Kooky
Bender wrote:Well I guess all this puts me on the fat, ugly and stupid side of the fence. Lucky I don't have a cat!
Watcha tryin't'say, like? :D

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 07:31
by baloo
I'm still trying to work out if I'm still stupid and ugly or whether I have magically become pretty and smart because I lost a lot of weight.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 08:23
by BFG
"Sing if you're glad to be fat,
Sing if you're happy like that"

To paraphrase Tom Robinson....

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 08:32
by Kooky
baloo wrote:I'm still trying to work out if I'm still stupid and ugly or whether I have magically become pretty and smart because I lost a lot of weight.
Nah, you're still stupid and ugly.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 08:41
by Morrolan
oh, for fuck's sake:

1. this is the Rant Room. if you're not supposed to have a rant every now and again, what's the fucking point of having one. it's not as if i put this in the Serious Discussion Forum.

2. my post said:
how these slobs keep stuffing their faces
people shuffling around that just eat too much and move too little.
now i don't know if some of you, who seem to either take this personally or are unable to read or both, fall in this bracket:
so PC you're supposed to treat these yobbo's like there's nothing wrong with them.
but i don't see why it is not possible to have a rant about a part of society that is purposely destroying themselves, unwilling to work towards their own personal well-being and partly responsible for current and future increases in health costs, for which i too am paying.

if it is impossible to do so, i suggest that Admin either remove the Rant Room or add the restriction that it has to remain PC.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 08:48
by Lili Von Shtupp
Morrolan, you can post your rant, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with what you say. That's all. Nothing personal, just opinions here.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 09:10
by Bender
Morrolan wrote:oh, for fuck's sake:... rant rant rant... now i don't know if some of you, who seem to either take this personally or are unable to read or both, fall in this bracket... blah blah... i don't see why it is not possible to have a rant about a part of society that is purposely destroying themselves, unwilling to work towards their own personal well-being and partly responsible for current and future increases in health costs, for which i too am paying.
I have no problem with a good rant, and enjoy having one myself, 'coz I can be very judgemental, so I'm not taking it personally at all. If I'm feeling bad about myself, all I need to do is go into town and people-watch for a while - I soon feel so much better.

Time to shift my corpulent mass, with it's undulating waves of flesh, to the shops to get something for breakfast - we're out of doughnuts, chocolate and coke.

BTW, how's your carbon-emitting mission (for which I too am paying) going, M? [smilie=cul.gif]

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 09:13
by Burbage
baloo wrote:I'm still trying to work out if I'm still stupid and ugly or whether I have magically become pretty and smart because I lost a lot of weight.
Let's put it this way. You have given yourself a chance which your otherwise would not have.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 09:14
by Burbage
Tax sugar and flour. It's that simple. Smokers pay high tax to alleviate their burden on the health system, there's no reason why fatties shouldn't.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 09:17
by slinky
Lili Von Shtupp wrote:Morrolan, you can post your rant, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with what you say. That's all. Nothing personal, just opinions here.
Seems to me she makes a fair point there, M.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 09:26
by T2K
Waiting to check in for a flight the other day, there was this massive white woman in front of me. Her clothes could have been converted to a respectable amount of tentage. I was thinking "don't be American, don't be American, please don't be American" when she loudly asked, in some Illinois or midwest accent, where the gate was, even though I just heard the counter girl tell her the gate number.

People make choices, and we judge them for their choices all the time. You can't defy physics and creat energy from nothing - fat peope made their stupid choice to build up a huge calorie surplus. Fine, but expect to be judged for it just like someone with a bad haircut.

So yeah, I'm down with a little rant on this subject.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 09:50
by Kooky
Well so far I've responded to all the above in a light-hearted manner as it really is water off a duck's back but now I really do feel the need to say something more serious.

"fat peope made their stupid choice to build up a huge calorie surplus" - and I'm quoting T2K purely because that sums the attitude up nicely. Do you know anything about the thyroid? I'm sure you do, because you're intelligent, so please don't assume that the next size 24 woman you see (that's US 20, I think) is stupid and sits on her fat arse all day stuffing her face with cream cakes.

Thankfully, I had my problem - actually it's a DISEASE - diagnosed before I reached that stage, but many of you on this forum know somebody who didn't and is neither stupid nor lazy. In fact quite an athlete, and worked fucking hard to lose that weight, but obviously if you'd met them then you would have thought they were from the moronic underclass that chooses to be fat and takes an unfair proportion of your taxes in healthcare. I guess you thought the same about me when I was 84kg. Thanks.

So here's the point where I start singing that song, kk. :roll:

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 11:05
by baloo
I think LVS summed it up nicely M. Rant all you want but don't expect everyone to let you have your rant without ranting back if that's what they feel like doing.

Being Obese is a society problem today. Blame it on whatever but it's a lot easier to become obese these days than it was in our parents, or M's, generation. Food is a lot more processed and it's a lot harder to find fresh food. TV, Supermarkets and restaurants all help people make the easy decision which is to eat a lot of unhealthy stuff.

I was obese. It was affecting my life in a major way. I really don't feel like writing out why I got that way but I did. No ones fault but my own really. Lucky for me I found something which helped me lose the weight and keep it off. Lucky also I had the spare $1,000 to pay for it. Lucky for me I had enough motivators and support to keep me on the very strict programme until I reached my goal.

So, call an obese person fat all you want. They are and it's a fair call. But group label them as ugly and stupid, with a mix of disgusting and then you are nothing but an ignorant, ugly, disgusting bigot.

And there's my rant and going by your rules, if you don't like it, shut the fuck up.

Re: disgusting, fat, ugly people everywhere!

Posted: 21st Jun, '08, 17:15
by TheDancerOnYourGrave
T2K wrote:You can't defy physics and creat energy from nothing
Aha. We've reached God