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Bloody bureaucracy!

Posted: 6th Mar, '08, 14:42
by Scrummy Mummy
After the whole saga of getting to the High Comm to apply for mini-Scummy's UK citizenship and then finding that they needed stuff they hadn't told me they needed, they now need more stuff!

Apparently we need a Certificate of No Criminal Record from the Singapore police now.

Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrghhhhhh! [smilie=23_3.gif]

What is so bloody annoying is that if I'd given birth to him there would have been no issue. Criminals are obviously allowed to give birth to babies overseas and they get citizenship but not to adopt them.

Let's home Scummy Daddy's speeding ticket isn't an issue ....

Re: Bloody bureaucracy!

Posted: 6th Mar, '08, 14:51
by Tack
You can never be too young to have criminal record checked...surely it's a requirement for mini scummy to fit in in the UK?

Yes, I eventually realised it was for the parents :P

Re: Bloody bureaucracy!

Posted: 6th Mar, '08, 19:38
by slinky
It's ok, Tack, when I first read it I thought they meant no criminal record for mini-scummy too [smilie=rotflmao.gif] When dealing with government bureaucracy not much is surprising unless, of course, it's efficiency :mrgreen:

Re: Bloody bureaucracy!

Posted: 6th Mar, '08, 20:12
by Scrummy Mummy
Actually, he keeps biting me. Does that count as Actual Bodily Harm?

Re: Bloody bureaucracy!

Posted: 7th Mar, '08, 00:46
by Fat Bob
Read Daffs intruders....if there's no evidence or at least complaint of persistent biting then you're making it up in your head, darlin'!

Re: Bloody bureaucracy!

Posted: 7th Mar, '08, 13:44
by Bob the Builder
Doesn't sound like he's quite old / strong enough to inflict bodily harm. You've definitely got a good case for battery though