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Living on edge.....

Posted: 17th Jun, '11, 12:51
by slinky
I think you all know how I feel about cockroaches [smilie=barfluous.gif] So, after seeing 2 in the past week, I've had to make the call and get pest control out here. Mr. S saw the cat 'playing' with one "the size of Montana" last night and I was greeted by one in the bathroom last week (that guy got soaked in bug spray beyond belief -- I think I wasted the whole bottle on that bastard :lol: ) Anyhow, bug guy is about to spray their habitat in the manhole out in the front yard and has told me 'not to panic' as they may come inside (if they make it past the new drain thingies he just installed). Don't panic? Yeah, right :o FFS.

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 17th Jun, '11, 13:19
by Lili Von Shtupp
Do we have a dancing banana that's passing out?

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 17th Jun, '11, 13:35
by Morrolan

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 17th Jun, '11, 14:00
by baloo
Nice Morro, but maybe put it in [ spoiler ] tags

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 17th Jun, '11, 14:21
by Lili Von Shtupp
Slinky, do you have any of that bug spray left? I need to spray it in my eyes now. Kthxbai.

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 17th Jun, '11, 20:27
by Pinklepurr
:shock: Ooh Morro that was mean,
but then I suppose it is only lifesize (on a 17" screen that is) for Singapore anyway isn't it?

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 18th Jun, '11, 00:04
by sluggo
Whatever you do Slinky don't move to Texas. Those big bastards are everywhere.

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 20th Jun, '11, 07:52
by Tas
you f88ker Morrolan, I had a mouthful of sultana bran when I got to that post and gagged.

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 20th Jun, '11, 09:04
by slinky
Tas wrote:you f88ker Morrolan, I had a mouthful of sultana bran when I got to that post and gagged.
Sorry, Tas, but your comment did give me a chuckle :lol:
sluggo wrote:Whatever you do Slinky don't move to Texas. Those big bastards are everywhere.

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 20th Jun, '11, 09:23
by sundaymorningstaple
Not quite as in your face, but just as unsettling?


Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 20th Jun, '11, 14:17
by T2K
Don't see them often at my place here, maybe 1-3/year. When I do see them - they get splatted. Area sprayed with Windex and wiped clean. Case closed, no poison / chemical warfare needed in the house.

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 20th Jun, '11, 14:23
by Lichtgestalt
I heard that they only come round if the housewife isn't doing his job [smilie=tease.gif]

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 20th Jun, '11, 15:56
by slinky
Lichtgestalt wrote:I heard that they only come round if the housewife isn't doing his job [smilie=tease.gif]
What, supervising the paid cleaning staff? [smilie=tease.gif]

Re: Living on edge.....

Posted: 20th Jun, '11, 17:24
by Morrolan
Tas wrote:you f88ker Morrolan, I had a mouthful of sultana bran when I got to that post and gagged.
[smilie=rotflmao.gif] [smilie=groovy.gif]