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Cold Call Nightmare

Posted: 9th Apr, '08, 17:56
by Spike
Speaking of language, I had a surreal cold call today from some young fella speaking fluent, rapid fire Singlish combined with a very strong Singaporean accent, i.e. use of guteral stop in middle of words, leaving endings off words, plus a whole selection of lors, lahs and hors. I had no idea what he was talking about but could just about discern some English words in his patter. So I stopped him and said, "Sorry, I have no idea what you're trying to sell me. I don't speak Singlish and you'll need to just slow down so I can understand. I think you're talking about a voucher for some timeshare presentation?" With that, he continued at the same pace and was completely incomprehensible. After a few seconds I just said, "Sorry I have not idea what you're talking about" and hung up".

So how dumb can a call centre be to hire a outbound calling agent to make calls in English who doesn't speak anything resembling English. :roll:

Re: Cold Call Nightmare

Posted: 9th Apr, '08, 19:10
by Lichtgestalt
A whistle would sort it out in case it happens again... or some raunchy talk