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Oil / USA

Posted: 11th Mar, '11, 07:09
by skank-la
Fun Facts ... -without-g

Of course America feels that we’re on the wrong track. Conservatives will never say we’re on the right track as long as a black man is in the White House. And progressives believe we’re on the wrong track because our democracy is dead and our “Republic” run by a group of plutocratic vampires who are well on their way to destroying our Middle Class because it makes them richer. Yes, we’re on the wrong track and have been since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. And since the plutocracy owns the airwaves, they own the message, and as long as they own the message, America will continue to be deceived into doing nothing about our dire situation. The rich will continue to get richer and the rest of us will only see our suffering compiled. Another round of tax cuts for the rich, anyone?

Can we get the skankster through the ecucational system here before we just throw in the towel & move to our compound in a remote mountain valley in the Peens, where I can retire to being the eccentric American who owns the local grocery store.

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 11th Mar, '11, 07:37
by Fat Bob
If the skankster is going with you to be on the remote compound and become one of the eccentric yankee, then why does he need an education?

Bur yes, some strange stuff a-going on. But you guys keep on voting them in.

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 11th Mar, '11, 09:25
by T2K
"Conservatives will never say we’re on the right track as long as a black man is in the White House. And progressives believe we’re on the wrong track because our democracy is dead and our 'Republic' run by a group of plutocratic vampires who are well on their way to destroying our Middle Class because it makes them richer."

Well, that was a pretty even-handed, logical, unemotional and unbiased summary. I don't see how anyone could find fault with that.

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 11th Mar, '11, 09:49
by slinky
Can't add anything of more value than T2K has already said.

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 11th Mar, '11, 11:58
by Joseph27
Its a broken system and a few people greatly benefit and so are happy to perpetuate it. The top 400 own as much as the bottom 40%... That’s a great situation and when you own so much of airways and you have the likes of Koch brothers happily pouring money into discontent movements, you have the recipe to maintain the status quo and make the 400 even richer. The poor family can convinced to happily critique the union worker, can vote for a politician that focuses on a single issue, and live a life of subsistence on coupon bought mayonnaise sandwiches and hamburger helper with a healthy dose of JD and home brand cola.

About time I went off a liberal rant and if we shift our focus across to the US; the Godfather and ’moral’ example to the world, we see a very sick society. Look at the current anti union legislation in Wisconsin, and the economic dominoes falling across every community; this is very representative of a virus that has infected capitalism. It is hard to watch the how bankers, who literally destroyed a key part of America now blame these people for America’s woes.

The ‘super rich’ or in this particular case the Koch brothers fund the likes of the Wisconsin governor to destroy any protection the public service may have left and actually attack the livelihoods of these people. Spin masters and marketing campaigns help give this message perceived credibility and instead of having people on the streets demanding safety, demanding a right to sustain their life and hold on their pension; these people are suddenly having to defend themselves from charges of being un-American; the problem. It is sad to see the poor side up with the super rich in denouncing public servants, cursing a fireman for his pension invested in a fraudulent AAA rate scheme sold by a respected banker. The banker is still rich – the pension fund is broke and it’s the firemans fault.

The bankers meanwhile continue gambling with our collective house of cards, no one has gone to jail, and the greatest deception and financial fraud ever perpetrated is all but forgotten. Whilst the bankers have started getting their bonuses back, the true economic cost continues to spread across the US claiming job after job. Rather than defending the poor, we are told about balancing budgets.

At what stage is it right to pull out the guillotine and hold high the heads from those in these institutions; especially goldman sachs? A bank robber gets put into an overcrowded prison, is physically assaulted and kept in torturous conditions for a decade for stealing 10 grand, if it’s his third strike he goes down for life. The banker meanwhile drags down entire communities and is allowed to keep the Bentley, the 12 room house and his entire fortune and then blames the victims for gambling on his con job.

Don’t know the way out of all this, the debt is there it has got to be paid but really can’t be paid. Real people are losing their livelihoods and nothing has been done to stop the next calamity. When will the perpetrators be held accountable? Maybe an Egyptian style rebellion but no it won’t work, American Idol is on and we need to race back from Wal-Mart with that a car load of cheap crap made in China paid for with money still loaned from China…. What a wonderful world

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 11th Mar, '11, 13:03
by sundaymorningstaple
And some wonder why I've been overseas for almost 3 decades......

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 11th Mar, '11, 18:24
by Fat Bob
sundaymorningstaple wrote:And some wonder why I've been overseas for almost 3 decades......
Bollocks, mate, it's got nowt to do with what's been going on since the 80s, it's all about the chicks being prettier!

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 12th Mar, '11, 03:18
by sluggo
Well said Joseph27.

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 12th Mar, '11, 06:19
by Mr Oz
Joseph the end game is near. Very near. If Saudi Arabia was to fall like Egypt. Oil would clear $250+ dollars, that with the tighting of US state budgets who somehow are not going to bailed out (unlike the private banks) and the seemingly unstoppable land forfeiture (even if not behind on the mortgage) then the US economy will grid to a halt and unrest will happen. I think it will be like Egypt to start with but the US National Guard will start shooting (like the 1930s and 60s) and then shit will hit the fan. With 90 guns per 100 people they won't be necessarily fighting against the government as in Libya (the state/local governments will most likely fail) they will be shooting eachother over the scraps. Aka. Nightmare Mad Max style scenerio. Queue Tina Turner "We don't need another hero..."

Re: Oil / USA

Posted: 12th Mar, '11, 07:46
by T2K
But, will we all be wearing body armor made of old tires with spikes on them whilst having really, really cool mohawks? I've waited my whole life for that moment...

Steady decline to bankruptcy and default due to dithering and BOTH parties' inability to reduce spending is where we're heading in reality. I don't see Egpytian style chaos or Lbyan style civil war in the near future. It might get bad enough for a Constitutional Convention, which would be like hitting the "reset button" for the gov't - and that would be a good thing. But it's got to get worse before it can get better.