Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
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Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
What are your thoughts about getting the flu vaccine? I had the slinkies at the doctor today for the school medical form thing & the doctor says it's recommended that kids (and adults) get the flu vaccine every year. I've probably had the vaccine myself 3-4 times total in my life & I don't think I've ever given it to the kids. None of us get sick all that often and the current flu vaccine is not going to prevent H1N1, so I'm trying to decide whether or not it's necessary. Thoughts?
Re: Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
I see no reason unless you are in a high health risk group, over 60 or underlying conditions
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Re: Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
[url=http://singapore-forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3085&hilit=flu]Opinons given already lah[/url].
H1N1 vaccince against current pandemic is in clinical trials.
H1N1 vaccince against current pandemic is in clinical trials.
Last edited by Fat Bob on 11th Sep, '09, 18:03, edited 1 time in total.
"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life" ...Cecil Rhodes.
Poppy Appeal
Poppy Appeal
Re: Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
too lazy to read opinions given already lah, but....my sis (real doc) said that even if it doesn't protect against the current strain, if you get the vaccine, you have a better chance of fighting it as there is some protection, particularly from the respiratory symptoms
Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels.
- Fat Bob
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Re: Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
Also: if it doesn't protect against the current strain, and you get the flu.....you know you've got the current strain. In a case of pandemic, then you know to get to the docs for further medications quickly. Anti-viral medication for the flu only works if you take it within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.
"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life" ...Cecil Rhodes.
Poppy Appeal
Poppy Appeal
Re: Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
Thanks -- I forgot about that thread (and I even commented on it

Re: Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
"...even if it doesn't protect against the current strain, if you get the vaccine, you have a better chance of fighting it as there is some protection, particularly from the respiratory symptoms..."
spoke to really nice guy on the plane other week, doctor who'd just come back from a round of evac training (ie he trains them) and stuff like that where focus of trip had been stategy for coping with approaching UK flu season...and he said exactly same thing as Chocs sister. doesn't protect from virus, but does have a slight buffer effect against full respiratory response. was also telling me about the problem with the lungs drowning in the excess fluid response, and explaining that part of the problems in hospitals trying to manage it is that they don't have sufficient respiratory pumps with enough vacuum to remove fluid in current 'normal' circumstances, let alone high volume of patients during epidemic...
spoke to really nice guy on the plane other week, doctor who'd just come back from a round of evac training (ie he trains them) and stuff like that where focus of trip had been stategy for coping with approaching UK flu season...and he said exactly same thing as Chocs sister. doesn't protect from virus, but does have a slight buffer effect against full respiratory response. was also telling me about the problem with the lungs drowning in the excess fluid response, and explaining that part of the problems in hospitals trying to manage it is that they don't have sufficient respiratory pumps with enough vacuum to remove fluid in current 'normal' circumstances, let alone high volume of patients during epidemic...
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- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
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Re: Flu Vaccine - opinions, please
i, for one, welcome our new virus overlords.